OAD Works

OAD works with clients to insure that both current and prospective employees are optimally deployed throughout their organization. We assist them in selecting people who can execute and we help them maximize their performance by providing the appropriate structural and motivating needs on an individual basis.


The OAD Survey is a highly accurate personality assessment instrument; approaching the accuracy and validity of some very complex clinical instruments that take hours to complete.  It is the only adjective-based, personality assessment tool that is built to the following standards:
*U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
*American Psychology Association
*British Psychological Society
*Canadian Psychological Association
*Association of Test Publishers
*Buros Institute of Mental Measurements


OAD is committed to providing a superior level of service through expert consultation and enhanced availability.  In our quest for continuous improvement, we also offer our clients ever-improving, robust technology tools through our website.


As a major part of our Value Proposition, we strive to do business on our clients’ terms. Many of our unique, compelling and time-saving offerings that are now standard on our website were once special requests from our clients.  At OAD, if a request makes good business sense, we default to “yes”.